- When booking flights, hotel rooms, and rental cars:
We recommend that you use Priceline.com. This website allows you to get the best deals on what you want. If, for example, you don't mind which hotel you get in a specified area, you can "Name Your Own Price." This is where you can BID on a room. Lets say you want a 4 star hotel in San Francisco... well, you enter the location, and the star rating you want. Then, you enter a price. It will give you an estimate of the average price of that hotel rating, so go a little lower than that. You can get many more tips about Priceline by going here!
When spending extensive amounts of time in the airport (for example spending the night there like we are doing now) it is important to be extremely creative in order to survive the long night. If you are someone that can sleep through drilling, vacuuming, and other loud noises in a -30 degree airport then please stop reading now...if not then here are a few suggestions on what to do with your free time overnight in the airport. (We may have tried some or all of these at one point tonight)
- Take long walks
- Beg for free water until someone gives in and doesn't make you pay 55 cents for a cup of water
- Talk to random people on pay phones
- Get on Facebook...duh
- Read magazines about Justin Biebers love life
- Have wheel chair races
- Eat cold deep dish pizza (or any leftovers you may have)
- Talk to other airport-stranded people
- Find out the code to a secret bathroom
- Laugh at the way others are sleeping
- Listen to a lady yelling at the construction worker to stop drilling so that she can sleep
- Make a blog and write on it :)